Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Is iUniverse a Scam?

iUniverse Scam?

Is iUniverse a scam? More than 30,000 happy authors have brought their books to the marketplace through iUniverse – the industry’s leading supported self-publishing company. iUniverse prides itself on providing the best in professional publishing, editorial and book-selling services. iUniverse also is a BBB-Accredited company. If you have any questions about iUniverse or supported self-publishing, please give us a call at 1-800-AUTHORS.

Royalties Questions

Royalties can be confusing and we get lots of questions about how they work. We take the timely payment of royalties to our authors very seriously.

Two benefits to iUniverse’s supported self-publishing model: iUniverse authors retain all rights to their books and receive higher royalties for their work than through traditional publishers. Royalties are calculated based on the number of books, and now e-books, a particular author sells through online and brick and mortar retailers and distributors. Every quarter iUniverse authors receive a detailed accounting of their sales with their royalty checks (once they reach $25.00). Should an author choose to receive royalties through Direct Deposit, the $25.00 threshold need not be met.

If you have more questions about royalties, drop us a note at royalties@iuniverse.com, or call us at 1-800 AUTHORS.

How Your Books Are Sold on Amazon

Authors often express concerns about seeing “used” and “new” copies of their books on Amazon, yet they have not received the royalties for the sales of these “used” copies. Even though Amazon is advertising that they have “used” versions of your book, that’s not always the case. Amazon may choose to have a scale in the pricing structure, which iUniverse does not control. If you have questions about this or any of our services, please contact us today or call us at 1-800-AUTHORS.


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